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Thank you for all the care, follow up and feedback that you gave us whilst helping our daughter with and through her anxiety. We found that once you had done a couple of clearings, she became more settled in herself and decision making and less emotional. The process at times was very emotional for her as you sorted through her energy and tried to establish the roots of her anxiety and what would trigger it. Once you had repaired and cleared her energy we found her to push through what she needed to do and feel more confident. The insight into how she was feeling allowed us to understand where she was coming from and what she needed from us. It also helped me immensely when I was emotionally exhausted & worried as to how to help her emotionally and mentally. I have also come to understand that like physio, massage or meditation this is something that needs to be maintained to ensure her mental and emotional health.

"I have been fortunate to have known Rebecca for most of my adult life. What I really didn't know a lot about or understand was her gift. I have always considered myself to be fairly strong willed, caring and capable of maintaining a hectic schedule with work and family. However, life just seemed to be getting out of control. 

I don't know how it works or why it works and it is difficult to explain the results, but all I know is that the burdens that I had refused to recognise I had been carrying seemed lighter. There was an immediate sense of calm that I had not experienced in a long time. By clearing the blocks I felt I was not as overwhelmed, I was able to make decisions calmly and rationally and life just seemed balanced. I am grateful I had the good sense to ask for help- Thank you Rebecca, you have a real gift!"

Just some feedback on the clearing you did for My daughter.

I had always felt a distance between my daughter and I that was unexplained. Prior to her clearing she was very unaffectionate towards me despite my efforts (but not so towards my husband). My daughter was 16 months old when her little sister was born and she has a brother 2 years older as well.

aAfter her clearing the results were immediate. I remember going out for dinner the next night & her grabbing my hand and asking to sit next to me. This would never of happened prior to her clearing. Now she gives me cuddles without any coercing and is very affectionate towards me.

I have no hesitation in recommending Bec.

My son was very emotional and often feeling overwhelmed and even angry. Most days there was a drama over something minor and he was very unpredictable. We spent a lot of time talking, trying to establish what was causing these emotional outbursts but couldn’t find anything specific so we tried nurturing him more, giving him space to talk about what it might be and trying to support him through what seemed like a difficult phase. After months it just seemed like it was his emotions and he just couldn’t get past it. It was heart breaking to see this gorgeous soul struggling with feelings and moods that we couldn’t help him with. 

After Bec did her clearing the change was very fast and you could see he wasn’t carrying these heavy emotions anymore. He has been a lot more even tempered and much more rational. We are now able to reason with him and have a dialogue when a problem arises, where as in the past he was just shutting down and letting his emotions take over. Rebecca has an incredible talent backed by a generous heart and has been very supportive and understanding. I would highly recommend her service as it has helped our son find himself again so he can continue along his path and bought the peace back into our family.

1st clearing: 12 year old Grace was diagnosed by a doctor with anxiety and depression. Whilst seeing a psychologist she was referred to me for a clearing. After only one session her mother wrote to me: "She is definitely a lot calmer in the way she handles situations this week 😀. She said to me this morning that she is starting to get used to school, too. There have not been any big emotions thrown around either. If she is upset it just remains that way for a bit and then it passes. Previously it would have turned into a complete sobbing meltdown. We definitely want to do a second clearing after two weeks. Doing well so far."

2nd clearing: Grace has been pretty good. Definite changes. Says she is feeling more comfortable with school in general. The last time Grace cried about having to go to school was last Tuesday - the day after the Clearing. it's been great! Still bickering with brother but it seems to be pretty normal without the full on rage. My husband and I , we're talking last night about the change in Grace since the first clearing . 
You really have a special gift.Thanks for sharing it.

3rd clearing: (months later) We would love another clearing next week. Around school work would be good. Her main triggers for stress at the moment Are around assessments and exams. Grace is going pretty well! She has 2 exams. Today which she studied for without too much stress. No meltdowns at all !! All in all things a lot calmer in our world. All good yesterday in her exams. She said they were fine and no stress!!
Amazing! Yay for you!! Haha.

Hi Bec, Hoping you have been doing as well as us!! 
Just wanted to give you an update on my Son . He has been studying like a champion for his exams next week! He just said to me "I don't know why but ever since around Dads birthday I got really motivated. Realised I might actually want to do something with my life" His Dad's bday is on 17 August.. Just after his clearing. 👍👍

And I'm doing really well too. Not being triggered by mum and only 1 really tiny migraine in the last weeks and it was a hormonal one. Amazing to not live in fear of migraines You're the best!! Thanks 😍😘😍”

Couple Clearing Review

I want to thank you for investing your time and energy in me. I truly believe you are a powerful energy healer.

Having low self-esteem, struggling with anxiety and depression I emotionally shut down instead of openly addressing the issues within my marriage. This created more distance between us. Like many men, my husband would put off getting any support for his mental health and physical health. He would be irritable, angry, withdrawn and lost interest in the common things he would otherwise love to do.

Our clearing was done over the course of a week and during this time Rebecca was very, spiritual & professional. Rebecca explained in great detail the healing process and gave me constant feedback. After a spiritual cleansing, we felt lighter physically & emotionally. I have better mental clarity that is free of clutter and negativity and my marriage is stronger.

Thank you Rebecca xx

An update on the money clearing you did for me......
I’ve completely rethought my expenses and income spreadsheet and have relooked and rethought all money outgoings. Without cutting anything out because it was tight in the first place I’ve freed up approx $500 a fortnight - weird how that has worked out. 
I found a couple of websites selling incredibly cheap clothes  but nice simple things and have bought 4 items for $100..... never had the spare cash to even buy myself things from Kmart so money clearing working....

I had my first session with Rebecca on Tuesday 29th - within one week I made one of the most important and positive decisions of my life so far. I was terrified to make this very personal choice . I'm 46yrs. I could never have imagined a week ago of being where I am now and I had forgotten what it feels like to feel 'light'. As I was falling asleep I had the strongest thoughts of feeling safe and protected. Thank you Becky and I'm happy to have another clearing.....

My son (8 years) has been cleared by Rebecca. He was struggling with reading at school. Rebecca conducted her Energy Healing session for him. After the session we found him to be happier within himself. He was a boy who would never pick up a book unless forced, after the session he was finding books to read in bed at night without be prompted.

There was an unforeseen result, which my husband and I found amazing! He suffered unofficially  from lactose intolerance since he began bottle milk at the age of 1. This gave him an upset tummy with feelings of cramps. We also eliminated apples from his diet on recommendation from health professionals. After the clearing he had a craving for apples and has eaten them ever since.  He also now drinks milk in small quantities and eats dairy products which had been limited to lactose free products prior to the clearing.

My husband and I were really surprised , excited and shocked by the results we saw.  We will be getting Rebecca to work on our children and ourselves in the future for any issues we have.  

Thank you Rebecca for sharing your gift.

"I wanted to write to you and say the biggest thank you for your amazing treatment I received last week. It was truly amazing! I felt the most amazing shifts happen the day of the treatment. 
Firstly I have had a knot in the throat feeling for as long as I remember , after your treatment I felt like I could swallow with a clear throat and the knot feeling had disappeared by 80%. I also felt like a weight had been lifted, felt lighter and happier and at peace with myself and my life.

You were so spot on with the things you also picked up and then cleared and I was so thrilled to receive such a detailed email outlining the treatment, this has been a great reference to look back on.

You really are a true healer at the deepest level. I am forever grateful for this amazing healing.

I am open to discuss any questions or enquiries that may arise for you.

More reviews available on my social media accounts.

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