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These packages are designed to ensure that my clients receive a higher standard of healing that is available to them. Enabling them to access all the tools that are available to them through me to boost their highest potential and for their higher true self, to shine through.  

The packages will assist in showing you the benefits in continuous clearings, unblocking and receiving  the energies to help you reach full potential.

Please Call Rebecca on 0433 047 136 to book.

We = myself, the creator and all energies that love you for your best and highest good.

3 weeks of healing for you

3 weeks $450

Instalments of $150 a week.


Includes a 15 min phone call before each session.

I also check on you every day, during the 3 week period.


Week 1:  Yourself

During this clearing, thought patterns, belief systems, hooks and cords, triggers and energy that feeds those triggers, will be worked on.

  • We look at your aura, anywhere there are openings, rips and tears. We also balance and strengthen your aura.

  • We clear the space you are in at this time. This clears unwanted surface pollution around you, that is interfering with your intuition.

  • We clear anytime you have deceived and not acknowledged your power, wisdom and beauty.

  • We clear energy you have picked up that is not your own.

  • We look at playing by other peoples rules and programs.

  • We look at the feeding of negative energies around you.

  • We bring in energies that are for your best and highest good.



Week 2: Disconnect

During this clearing, thought patterns, belief systems, hooks and cords, triggers and energy that feeds those triggers, will be worked on.


  • Removing you from peoples programming, images and pictures that they project on to you. These make you behave with a certain mindset, and you play out how they see you, not who you truly are.

  • Disconnect you from people, places, situations that are not serving you. This information will be discussed during the week 2 phone call.

  • Energies that you are projecting out into the universe, that are coming back to you, energies that are not for your best and highest good.

  • Healing energies between you and certain individuals in your life. This information will be discussed in the week 2 phone call.


Week 3: Your best and highest good

During this clearing, thought patterns, belief systems, hooks and cords, triggers and energy that feeds those triggers, will be worked on.


  • Soul theft and loss. Times in your life that parts of you have been separated, eg: due to trauma, bringing them back to you healed.

  • Look at any past lives, that come forward, to be healed at this time.

  • Bringing in alignments of energy to boost you in areas of your life.

  • Balancing, harmonising, connecting you, spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally.

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6 weeks of healing for your immediate family

Valued at $3,600

Cost $1,920

Instalments of $320 a week


15 minute phone call before each session.


Week 1: Clean up


  • We clean up energies in and around your family home.

  • We clean up energies around your family unit as a whole.

  • We start looking at energies between all family members, which through the following weeks goes down to deeper layers.


Week 2: The Individual 


Each family member, will receive the following.


  • Aura healing

  • Removing hook and cords 

  • Opening of chakras, and any necessary healing.

  • Meridians of the body, cleared and balanced.

  • Brain and heart coherence.

  • Balancing the nervous system 


Week 3: Serving your best and highest good 


Each family member will receive the following healing.


  • Working on thought patterns that are not serving the individual.

  • Working on belief systems that are not serving the individual.

  • Working on taught behaviour 

  • Working on inherited behaviour 

  • Heal parts of the individual that are from mother and father.

  • Clearing, carrying someone else’s energy that is not your own.


Week 4: Projecting


Each family member will receive the following 


  • Clearing energies that you are projecting out to the universe, that come back to you that are not for your best and highest good.

  • Removing you from peoples programming, images and pictures that they project on to you. These make you behave with a certain mindset, and you play out how they see you, not who you truly are.

  • Working on the individual when it comes to family energies triggering them 

  • Working on places, past and present and how they have triggered the individual.

  • Working on situations within the family, past and present and how they trigger the individual.


Week 5: Parts of me

Each family member will be looked at, regarding the following.


A report will be given.

  • Past lives relating to family members, or connected to healing needed to be done at this time.

  • Soul theft, eg: wanting power over the individual. Persons essence,vitality, and power can be used by someone else.

  • Lost parts of the soul, eg: through trauma not willing to face.


Week 6: Say Yes

All family members will receive 


  • We clear anytime you have deceived and not acknowledged your power, wisdom and beauty.

  • Bringing in alignments of energy to boost you in areas of your life. A report will be given on what energies you received.

  • Balancing, harmonising, connecting you, spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally.

2 weeks of schoolwork clearing

A phone call with each clearing to discuss objectives.

$300 for a 2 week program 

Instalments of $150 a week


$99 for on going clearings, to do with schoolwork. 


Over the two weeks the following will be covered. The direction of the clearings will be guided to the priorities of the individual. These energies take about 2 to 3 weeks to fully integrate. To receive the best results, start now! Please do not sign up, one week before exams or assignments are due.


This program is not designed to suddenly make your child an academic genius. It is designed to remove emotional obstacles, thought patterns and belief systems that cause unnecessary stress and pressure, that are stopping and interfering with your child’s highest potential in their life at this stage.

  • Anxieties studying for exams

  • Anxieties leading into exams

  • Anxieties taking exams 

  • Anxieties starting assignments

  • Anxieties doing assignments 

  • Looking at how each subject affects the student

  • Teachers past and present 

  • Classroom layouts past and present

  • Negative classroom experiences past and present

  • Pressure

  • Focus 

  • Motivation 

  • Worthiness 

  • Their energies in and around education, school, the system.

  • Energy that triggers them in a negative way, around school, education and system.

  • Energy of people around them, that are blocking or that are interfering with their education.

  • Energy in and around the Cohort of the school and how this affects them.

  • Balancing, harmonising, connecting you, spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, with each clearing they receive.

  • They will receive energies that they need, with each clearing they receive.

  • Balancing, harmonising, connecting them, spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, with each clearing.

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7 weeks of intensive healing


Instalments $140 per week


Week 1

  • Aura healing

  • Removing hook and cords 

  • Opening of chakras, and any necessary healing.

  • Meridians of the body, cleared and balanced.

  • Brain and heart coherence.

  • Balancing the nervous system

  • We clear the space you are in at this time. This clears unwanted surface pollution around you, that is interfering with your intuition.

  • We clear energy you have picked up that is not your own.

  • We clear anytime you have deceived and not acknowledged your power, wisdom and beauty.


Week 2

  • We look at playing by other peoples rules and programs.

  • We look at the feeding off negative energies around you.

  • Clearing energies that you are projecting out to the universe, that come back to you that are not for your best and highest good.

  • Removing you from peoples programming, images and pictures that they project on to you. These make you behave with a certain mindset, and you play out how they see you, not who you truly are.


Week 3

  • A phone call to talk about areas of your life that cause you anxiety, trigger you or that you are frustrated with.

  • Thought patterns and belief systems in the related areas of your life.

  • Belief systems in the related areas of your life.

  • Triggers and related energies in and around the triggers

  • Anxieties and related energies in and around anxieties.

  • Bringing in alignments of energy to boost you in areas of your life. A report will be given on what energies you received.

  • Balancing, harmonising, connecting you, spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally.


Week 4

A continuation of week 3

Talk about where you in your space and look at deeper layers of your subconscious.

  • Talk about areas of your life that cause you anxiety, trigger you or that you are frustrated with.

  • Thought patterns and belief systems in the related areas of your life.

  • Belief systems in the related areas of your life.

  • Triggers and related energies in and around the triggers

  • Anxieties and related energies in and around anxieties.

  • Bringing in alignments of energy to boost you in areas of your life. A report will be given on what energies you received.

  • Balancing, harmonising, connecting you, spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally.


Week 5

  • Soul theft and loss. Times in your life that parts of you have been separated, eg: due to trauma, bringing them back to you healed.

  • Past lives.

  • Healing timelines.


Week 6

  • A phone call.

  • Intuitive healing. This is where I ask your higher self to step in. They will show me where you need more work and healing done. These energies that need to be healed can hide, and can be of a very low vibration. Your higher self knows you!

  • Bringing in alignments of energy to boost you in areas of your life. A report will be given on what energies you received.

  • Balancing, harmonising, connecting you, spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally.


Week 7

  • A phone call

  • A continuation of intuitive healing. This is where I ask your higher self to step in. They will show me where you need more work and healing done. These energies that need to be healed can hide, and can be of a very low vibration. Your higher self knows you!

  • Bringing in alignments of energy to boost you in areas of your life. A report will be given on what energies you received.

  • Balancing, harmonising, connecting you, spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally.


12 Days of

Christmas Special

You will receive:


🎄Day 1.    Removing energies that are not your own.


We take on other energies around us and often mistake them as our own. These energies are often from other people and they can easily come from other attachments, there is a lot there!!

🎄Day 2.   Connecting you to your higher self, & strengthening your connection to Creator & Mother Earth.


Nothing much happens if you're not connected properly, you're not guided, you don’t receive and you can’t manifest.

🎄Day 3.   Balancing of chakras, & brain & heart cohesion.


Your energy body is upgraded so everything starts to work in harmony. Your heart and brain should work in cohesion, feeling a sense of balance.

🎄Day 4.    Purification of aura, balancing of meridians, & balancing of the nervous system.

Your aura is your first defense against energies coming at you. Auras are often unbalanced and can have wear and tear. This looks at making sure your aura is in good health, as well as strengthening it. Balancing meridians includes evening-out energy paths in your body. Your nervous system receives a battering with all our lives stresses, this balancing alignment heals the damage. 


🎄Day 5.    Looking at your energy body and anywhere that you are vulnerable; tears, holes, & weak spots.

We all have vulnerable areas in our energy and within ourselves. We strengthen these areas, and might even find out what your vulnerabilities are.


🎄Day 6.    Energies you give out that are not for your best & highest good.

You don’t always know what you are giving out to the universe, subconsciously or otherwise. I can tell you what comes back hits hard! This really messes with your energy body. Everyone does this!


🎄Day 7.    Clear vision & clarity.

Bringing clarity into your reality, where you need it. Clear​ ​vision; the​ ​eyes​ ​are​ ​the​ ​window​ ​to​ ​the​ ​soul. Bringing​ ​in​ ​the​ ​feeling​ ​and​ ​ability​ ​to​ ​look​ ​into​ ​the​ ​future​ ​unafraid, and with​ ​hope.


🎄Day 8.    Lifting you to a higher vibration & frequency.


Low frequency and vibrations are where negative emotions thrive.

🎄Day 9.    Denying yourself.


Where in your life are you denying yourself? This alignment removes negative beliefs.

🎄Day 10.   Thought patterns, belief systems, mindset, believing you cannot have it all.

Realigning, deleting, and healing; thought patterns, belief systems, and mindsets, that are not serving your best and highest good.


🎄Day 11.    Bringing in energies that trigger your happiness.

Bringing in energies that bring you happiness. Who doesn’t want that?!


🎄Day 12.    Receive energies, especially for you, that are for your best & highest good.


Receive Soul Alignments that are chosen especially for you. You will receive a list of the alignments you receive.

DM me on Instagram (@energywithin1) or Facebook (@rebeccaatenergywithin) to start you're 12 Days of Christmas Special. Alternatively, message me on 0 433 047 136

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